Special Service September 8 11:00 am

Journey of Grace

A worship service for those looking for a contemporary setting.

Journey of Grace 9:00 a.m.

The Journey of Grace (JOG) contemporary service is an alternative worship service for people who prefer an informal, modern worship environment. Meeting in the Christian Life Center at 9:00 am every Sunday, Journey of Grace encourages casual dress. Although some of the worship elements are distinctively different from a traditional worship service, the picture still portrays our savior Jesus Christ and His gospel.

Music is a big part of worship at Garner Methodist. Our Journey of Grace Worship Team leads worship every Sunday, featuring some of the best modern praise music. Before the service, please join us at Holy Java cafe to enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee. Worship Our Way (WOW) is also available for children 3 years old – 1st grade. Your children will join you in worship for the praise music, and then they will leave to participate in child-friendly activities.

Journey of Grace is a place to greet friends, meet new people, and grow in faith. We would love for you to come worship with us. Take the next step and let us know you are coming by planning a visit.